Our Audio Guest Books, offer a cherished way to preserve the voices of your wedding day. From the heartfelt sentiments of a mother to the hilarious anecdotes retold by a cousin, and even the candid words of a tipsy groomsman, each message captures a unique moment in time. Just like fine wine and cherished photographs, these audio voicemails age beautifully, becoming even more precious with each passing year.

How It Works?

Create a personalized greeting for your guestbook. We’ll arrive & set up the day of your event, leaving behind the phone & instructions for your guests. Guests will pick up the phone and after the tone they’ll record a personalized message for you. After your event you’ll be sent all the the voice memos captured to relish over & instantly be transported back to your special day!

Video Guestbook

Our Audio/Video Guestbook is designed to whisk couples back to the very moment of their wedding day. It offers your guests an opportunity to extend their heartfelt wishes, congratulations, and valuable advice as they join in your celebration.

This extraordinary feature can be booked solely or seamlessly integrated into your photo booth experience. Not only will you have the chance to relish the audio recordings, but you'll also have the joy of immersing yourself in the live visuals.

When you receive your personal web gallery, you'll find yourself transported back to your special day, filled with laughter and heartfelt moments. This exceptional feature is a treasure that will be cherished by both you and your spouse for years to come, encapsulating the magic of your wedding day in all its glory.